Fractional Product Management

What We Do:

We offer organizations the ability to leverage senior level product leadership on a fractional basis.  This allows for focussed expertise that drives your product to realize its market potential quicker and more affordably than traditional approaches.  This service is  very well-suited for new products, underperforming products, and legacy products.

Who We Are:

Our Product Management team consists of individuals who have served in senior-level positions (typically Vice President or Senior Director) managing products and products portfolios.

Markets We Serve:  

Digital Signage

Streaming Media

Managed Services


Satellite Communications

Broadcast & Media

Our Methodology:

  1. Understand Your Products and Services:  Usability, Features-Advantages-Benefits (FABs), Value Proposition,  Market Presence & Fit.

  2. Product Assessment:  We perform a 360-degree assessment of your product with go-forward recommendations.

  3. Build Strategic Consensus:  We work with executive leadership and other internal stakeholders to build a strategic consensus on the product direction.

  4. Planning:  Work with your team to document a short-term action plan (Quarterly Action Plan) and a long-term plan (Product Plan of Record) .

  5. Execution:  Leveraging Lean Start-Up principles, execute and evolve the Quarterly Action Plan.

  6. Measure:  Identify and track Key Metrics to evaluate the performance of the product in meeting your business objectives.

  7. Deploy and Improve:  Work to rapidly deploy high-impact products enhancements, assess their impact on strategic objectives, and create a culture of perpetual improvement.

Our Benefits:

Top-Level Expertise:  Our team consists of recognized Product Leaders in the markets we serve.  Our experience and diverse perspective compliments your team, resulting in better performing products.

Scalable Engagement:  Our flexible approach allows you to fractionally engage our expertise.  These part-time engagements allow you to benefit from our great talent more affordably than traditional full-time employment, providing you with better value.

Outside Perspective:  Sometimes products get lost in an internal bubble, resulting in stagnation, group-think, and miopic perspectives.  Bringing in outside evaluation helps overcome these behaviors and helps put products on a better directional path.

Lower Risk:  Fractional engagements lower your financial exposure to better fit your budget.  Our flexible engagements allow you to increase or decrease the engagement level to optimize your business value.  Additionally, as consultants you avoid the overhead associated with traditional employees.